Creating Environmental Awareness in the ROPME Sea Area
The Kuwait Action Plan emphasizes the importance of environmental public awareness in the area of marine environment and its protection from pollution as stated in Item 22 of Environmental Management which reads: “ Marine and coastal area environmental protection and enhancement cannot be achieved with the full support and cooperation of all those concerned. Therefore, adequate resources should be devoted to systematic and regular campaigns for public awareness of environmental issues in the Region”

To comply with the above requirement at regional as well as national levels, ROPME Secretariat has initiated since 1984 several environmental awareness programmes. The environmental awareness activities follow the three language policy of ROPME and are usually developed in English, Arabic and Farsi.
Celebration of the Environment Day of the Region

The Ministerial Council of ROPME at its Second Meeting in November 1982 adopted a resolution that 24 April be observed, annually, as the Environment Day of the Region with a view to commemorate the event of signing the Kuwait Regional Convention on 24 April 1978, as well as to increase the public awareness and to renew the importance of protecting the environment in general and the marine environment of the Region in particular.
Starting from the year 1984, the Environment Day of the Region is celebrated on 24 April every year through activities and programmes, such as drawing and photography competition; exhibition of drawings and photographs on environment; distribution of prizes; distribution of visual materials such as posters, environmental slogans, calendars, stickers, publishing of books children’s illustrative magazines, special bulletins etc.

On the occasion of the Environment Day of the Region, every year a message from H.E. the Executive Secretary of ROPME has been delivered and circulated to all NFPs.
Each year, a special theme for the Environment Day of the Region is announced and awareness activities related to this theme are conducted by ROPME Secretariat and its Member States. The special publications like posters etc. that are brought out on the occasion of this Day also relate to the Environmental Theme of the Year. Following is a list of Environmental Themes observed by ROPME in the past:

- 2009 – Workshop on Promoting the Environmental Awareness for Journalists (In Arabic)
- 2008 – Workshop on Promoting the Environmental Awareness for Journalists (In Farsi)
- 2007 – Illustrative Children Booklets (In Arabic and Farsi) (6)
- 2006 – ROPME Newsletter (16 Issues in Arabic and Farsi)
- 2005 – Sea Kaps (20 issues)
- 2004 – Reception facilities a necessity for protection of our Sea Areas
- 2003 – The Impact of Marine Pollution on Marine Birds
- 2002 – Protect Our Fish
- 2001 – Save our Marine Turtles Life
- 2000 – Protection of the Marine Life
- 1999 – Regional Coral Reef Initiative
- 1998 – Our Marine Environment
- 1997 – Our Marine Habitats: Source of Life
- 1996 – Protection of the Marine Environment
- 1995 – We the people: United for a better marine environment
- 1994 – Role of Family in Protecting the Coastal Areas
- 1993 – Need for Global Action
Annual Celebration of the Environment Day of the Region
General Rules Governing the ROPME Environmental Award
ropme-prizeOther Environmental Activities
مشاركة المنظمة الاقليمية لحماية البيئة البحرية في فعاليات منتدى القسم السادس بعنوان البيئة البحرية والتحديات المستقبلية التي نظمتها كلية العلوم بكلية التربية الاساسية بالهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقي تحت رعاية سعادة الدكتور احمد صالح الاثري مدير عام الهيئة يوم 28 ابريل 2015